Roots Pirate

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Roots Pirate

Roots Pirate is open for business. Roots Pirate started of 3 years ago with a small portable sound with a speaker on it from 1914 built on a old wine cabinet cart I found at the dumpster. In 2020 I upgraded my system and completely rebuild it and made all the speakers and car to create a 1000 watt Pirate car. In your garden, in your living room, at the smoking area or at the entrance of your festival. Even at the toilets or in the middle of the streets. Roots Pirate delivers a 1000 watt reggae & dub soundsystem that fits in every kind of setting. Self made and running mostly on recycled and self made ingredients delivers a soundsystem on wheels that provides the soundsystem vibe for smaller settings. For a impression of my portable sound look at my facebook page or watch the videos on youtube. Book this one of a kind local and portable soundsystem for your party at home, your festival, your bbq or what ever setting you have in mind. Roots Pirate can deliver a soundsystem and musical entertainment in one so you get the full package. Prices depending on travelcost and time but believe me we can alway find a right price for your setting. For me it's all about sharing the music and giving peope a good time. So contact me on facebook or send me a e-mail at rootspiratesystem@gmail.com. You can also contact me directly by calling: +31(06)81408008 Roots Pirate was previously seen on: Eendrachtsfestival 2019, Rotterdam, Annabel 2018, Rotterdam, Foodtruck festival Vlaardingen and many sessions on the streets or at private party's.


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Roots Pirate's new website is online!!!!

Still in progress but we are almost there. Roots Pirate's own website and webshop is coming up asap. Hope I can complete the website within the coming days. So it's a bit more then a empty speakercabinet. Bless


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